Billiard Table ROSSI

Super series – SUPER IS SUPER! All the best and much more than you expect!
Billiard table ROSSI -traditional creation of architecture with exceptional stability and reliability.
The design of this product got BCA prize in international exhibition (Sands Expo Centre Lasvegas 1999)
Despite the sophisticated outside looking, construction of this table is simple, which cause amazing exploitation.:
– assemblage of this table is maximum easy, because manufacturer performed 100 % control.
– technically justified metal – wood construction guarantees not only stability during humidity’s changes of environment, but also perfect roll of ball and it’s bounce – during the game you just forget about the construction of table.
– there is slate’s alignment system in the bottom of table – that’s why you can easily adjust any laxities of playing area, which are caused by seasonal changes of building construction.
– if it’s not enough for you these mentioned technical solutions – we can install such as system, which maintains temperature of slate (electronic installation, which can secure permanent humidity and temperature, also stabilized roll of ball and it’s bounce from playing area).